C.R.E.A.T.E. Program at a Glance
The goal of this program is to assist Christian leaders in changemaking and innovation in, with, and through the organizations they serve. This 6-month program (February 2024 – July 2024) involves experiential learning through the use of design thinking and theological reflection for the purpose of training teams to become leaders of change, and to launch a project in their context.
The CREATE cohort program involves design-driven tasks, recruitment guides to help leaders gather an innovation team, theological reflection with Princeton Seminary faculty and staff, the use of empathy mapping, and participation in an on-campus, in-person “Design Lab” at Princeton Theological Seminary – May 19-21, 2024.
Applications will be considered on a rolling basis, with final acceptance going to teams by December 18, 2023. The Isaiah Partnership is an initiative at Princeton Theological Seminary that developed the CREATE cohort program (Connect, Recruit, Explore, Activate, Try It, Evaluate).

important dates 2023/24
Monday, December 4, 2023
- Application Submission Deadline
Thursday, January 11, 2024
- Welcome Session for Cohort Participants (online)
Thursday, February 8 – July 11, 2024 (online)
The Isaiah Partnership C.R.E.A.T.E. Cohort will hold monthly online trainings and consultations with cohort participants during the months of February – July and will include one in-person Princeton Theological Seminary Design Lab in early May, 2024. Monthly training sessions will be held on Thursday evenings 7-9 p.m. eastern and Monthly (online) Consultations will be scheduled with individual teams, as needed.
1.5 day Design Lab at Princeton Theological Seminary beginning Sunday evening and ending Tuesday afternoon (in-person)
Thursday, July 11, 2024
- Closing Celebration (online)